Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Knitted Dolls

For about a year I've not made any doll clothes or bought a doll.  Recently I decided to get rid of some of the pile of clothes I had made so that I can get back into making new things for my dolls.  A bit like clearing out my own wardrobe that I do regularly.  So far, one bag of clothes has gone to a friend's granddaughters.  Still quite a few for me to go through so in the meantime I've started knitting dolls.  The pattern I used is from here and it worked up beautifully.  I'd heard how good the Jean Greenhowe patterns were and now I know for myself.  Here's the little Rainbow Baby I knitted from one of Jean's free patterns...
It took me a couple of days knitting on and off all day.  It's a very easy project and everything worked exactly as the pattern said it would.  I've started another one and intend sending for the Little Dumpling Dolls parts 1 and 2.  

I had bought a pattern book from another designer and was very disappointed with it.  It was for little knitted bears that had various knitted outfits.  Well, the bear knitted up very nicely but the clothes turned out miles too big for the little bear.  What is the point of making anymore from that pattern book if the patterns don't work how they should, a waste of my time and money.

1 comment:

  1. Yay, you're back, Ann. (Like I have room to talk lol). I love how your rainbow doll turned out, and am glad to hear they're easy. If the size is right, they might make a nice doll's doll. Now that your girls' wardrobes are cleared out, I hope we'll be seeing more of your beautiful sewing/knitting creations. It really is good to see you again. =)
