Saturday, 7 September 2013

Underwear for BFC Doll

I got the pattern for these from here 

They are a bit more like shorts than undies but under the right style of skirt they will be ok.  These undies were really quick and easy to make so I will be able to make matching ones for each outfit the BFC doll gets.  Probably they would also fit my other 18 inch dolls.
I'm thinking of calling this doll Bonnie, not sure yet though.


  1. Hello Ann. That pattern site is a gold mine! Thank you for sharing it. My parents still have my Crissy and Velvet stored in their attic. I may have to go dig them up. I suspect the Crissy patterns would fit Magic Attic dolls. I know your BFC doll is enjoying having some undies. They look very nice and comfortable. Would you recommend buying a BFC if I found one used? Yours is especially pretty. Bonnie would be a lovely name for her. I'm glad your sewing =)

    1. That's a bit of luck, having Chrissy and Velvet, hope you find them. I like the BFC doll, she has a lot of articulation and is a completely different shape to my other 18inch dolls so will be a challenge to sew for. Apparently they are now discontinued, which I think is a shame, but you can get them used, so I've heard. The original name of mine is Kaitlin (or maybe Caitlin) but I'm not keen on that name.

  2. Those are nice as shorts OR as undies. It should be fairly easy to modify them to fit almost any doll. I like the name Bonnie for your girl.

    1. I think the knit fabric I used was a bit thick, it made the waistband sort of bulky. I'd like to try making them in a proper underskirt fabric, nice and flimsy and silky, now wouldn't that be posh!

  3. I am liking your BFC doll more and more and will try and track one down. And I was planning on no more dolls untill next year! Like the undies/shorts too and will have a look at that link later for the pattern. Happy Sewing:-)

    1. I say that every time I buy a new doll, "no more!" but it's hard to say no especially if they are at a bargain price. I'm part way through making the most adorable dress for Bonnie the BFC. Well it should be adorable, just depends how mine turns out!
